Rabu, 22 September 2010

Shilling Me Softly Calls Out The Media And Ted Brassfield

Who hasn't heard of Ted Brassfield by now? He's being talked about by those of us who are trying to raise awareness about the student lending crisis. I wrote about him a few days ago (see my remarks here).

Schilling Me Softly argues that Mr. Brassfield does not represent those of us who are part of the indentured educated class, and provides interesting analysis about it in a piece entitled, "Ted Brassfield is an 'Everyman' - If 'Everyman' is Defined as 'Douche." The language is a wee-bit strong for my taste, but I like the concluding remarks in this post. Now that Mr. Brassfield is enjoying his 15-minutes of fame and being interviewed as an "instapundit," the "real issue is overshadowed." How convenient, right? It reminds of the way I was handled recently in an interview that was not aired. Oh, well, I'll keep on tryin' . . . that's why I'm doing this publicly. If you met me on the street, I'd be the same person who's writing this out on Education Matters, Tweets often, or appears on Facebook to try and help out student debtors. I am the real deal, because I refuse to hide behind an online persona. It keeps me honest, unlike some of my nasty posters.

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