Minggu, 05 September 2010

Quick Post: Minutes For My Readers

-The "Enough is Enough" fundraising campaign is off to a great start. So far we've raised nearly $800!

-I have also elected 8 people to be on the Board of Directors for Education Matters. I will be introducing these energetic, smart, and invaluable Board Members to all of you quite soon. We're taking this movement to the next level, and I am confident that with your continued support, your stories, and your volunteering efforts, we will make a difference for millions  of people who are struggling to pay their student loans, on the verge of defaulting, or already in Defaulters hell.

-If you haven't chipped in yet, please do so today. I'm only asking for $5-$10. If you can't swing a donation, please spread the word about the student lending crisis. Let people know that a national advocate is out there working on their behalf. I am determined to create a public discourse about this societal problem. Great strides have already been made, and that's thanks to the fact that you - dear reader - have had the courage to speak up and share your stories with others. Keep on fighting. You are not alone, and you will not be forgotten. I won't stop fighting until the day I die. I'm in this battle against Goliath, as one reader put it, for the long-term. We must collect all the pebbles, the stones, even the tiniest pieces of sand, all of it will be necessary to topple him, and topple him we will.

-As I've said in the past, your stories are what matters most to me. If you would like to share your story here, please don't hesitate to reach out (ccrynjohannsen at gmail.com).  These are what sends such a strong message to those on the Hill and in the White House (these offices, by the way, are actively reading this site on a regular basis). Education Matters continues to grow, readership climbs more and more each day, and that means more people are becoming aware of the student lending crisis. We will not be ignored anymore, and we refuse to accept that the problem is merely about individual debt. The problem is systemic, and that's why there must be a radical restructuring of the way in which higher education is financed. That means we will not just go after the student lenders, but higher education institutions, too. They are also to blame. That means it is not about attacking individuals, but looking at the institutions that are causing this crisis. That's how we can effect change.

-I will be talking to a key official soon in the Department of Education, and I am also seeking interviews with the sponsor and co-sponsor of the Private Student Debt Swap Bill on the House side. Stay tuned for these developments! We want Government to help us solve this problem. That's why we must continue to reach out to our representatives.

Stay tuned for more developments.

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