Jumat, 10 September 2010

How debt destroys relationships: A direct response to a reader who said: "I don't get the point of your blog"

[Note: If you have not donated yet to the "Enough is Enough" campaign, please chip in $5-$10 today! I have sent off my forms to create a bank account for Education Matters. Once that is in place, I will be filling out the forms to turn us into a 501(c)(4)]. 

To the seemingly clueless reader:

First off, read the pieces on Education Matters, especially the testimonials from people who are drowning in student loan debt, and then answer the question: "why does this blog matter?" I mean, if you haven't gotten it yet, then I guess a whole bunch o' people in D.C. and elsewhere are discussing this for no reason. If you still haven't gotten it after reading these pieces and all of my analysis about the student lending crisis, then I'd suggest your a lost case, kiddo.

Here's another reason, too: debt destroys relationships - let's hear it for the blogger over at 'But I Did Everything Right!' I know, we're just as shocked. Yeah. Real shocking. Hmph.

Also, Debra Wiley at the Department of Education wouldn't have bothered reaching out to me if the content on this blog didn't matter. 

Would you really like additional evidence? Gladly. I'm fired up and ready to go, so just let me know!

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