Selasa, 06 April 2010

Please tell me, that it doesn't end here . . .

As many of you know, we're embarking on the second letter writing campaign to the White House. So, if you haven't signed up yet, please do so now!

I am currently listening to Arne Duncan discussing Education live, and I am wondering: is SAFRA the end? If it is, that's beyond disappointing. At this point, nothing is being done for those who have private loans and for those who are in default. I am so tired of the fact that this Administration continues to ignore this huge problem. (I'd also like them to tell us where most of the money for Pell Grants will be going, because I am aware of who will be benefiting from that, and it's angering to know that fact).

I am also wrestling with a difficult prospect and it not only effects me but those of you who comprise the indentured educated class. I can't say a lot now, but will share soon. Suffice to say, I am anguishing over this issue.

To be continued . . .

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