Jumat, 16 April 2010

Big News - Senators Durbin and Cohen introducing a new bill!

So, there's something else on the table for student loan debtors! SAFRA isn't just the end. Thank the high heavens! Senators and U.S. Representatives have introduced new legislation which would enable people to discharge their student loans in bankruptcy again. You can count on Sallie Mae raising holy hell about this one . . . But I am glad to see it out there, and I hope that the private debt swap bill still has a chance too (it's my understanding that Sen. Sherrod Brown's bill hasn't been thrown out, and that's quite promising to know). 

So, on that note, this Friday is even better than I thought! Fridays have always been my favorite day of the week. They still are. Now I know what you're thinking. But, no, it's not just because it's Friday that makes this day so great. My favorite class is on this day of week, so I always look forward to teaching and helping such wonderful, wonderful kids learn English.

I urge all of you to put a calls into all of these Senators' offices and thank them for introducing this legislation.

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