Rabu, 14 April 2010

Do you have FFELP loans?

In the last few days, I've noticed that more people have gotten in touch with me, and are frantic about the fact that they are now, and for the first time, receiving threatening phone calls from the likes of Sallie Mae on their FFELP loans. I have asked several of these readers if they've ever received such phone calls in the past. One person today said that it was the first phone call they'd ever received and it's for a debt that has been owed since the late-1990s.

So, here's my question, did you take out FFELP loans years ago, perhaps stopped paying them years ago, and are just now hearing from your lenders or a debt collection agency representing them and demanding that you pay your student loan debt? I am particularly interested in hearing from those who live abroad. (One of the cases I just heard about was from someone who is living outside of the U.S. The agency was able to track the individual down by looking up their cell phone outside of the U.S.)

If you have recently experienced something like this (i.e., in the last two weeks or so), please let all of us know by posting a comment below. 

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