Kamis, 17 Desember 2009

"Would you like to use a credit card to pay off your $86,000 student loan debt?"

That's no joke. A loan manager asked a woman that question. It was in reference to what good ol' First Premier Bank is doing. Over at the Huff Post they inform us they're charging 79.9% on a new credit card. Ain't that dandy? Luckily, there are people on the Hill and elsewhere who cares much about the poors peoples of this country. Thank heavens for that. If we didn't have so many people who cared about the downtrodden in this coutnry, the poorsies may be paying, like, 100% in interest or something. (Oh, wait . . . kinda like they do on their student loan debt. My bad. Tee-hee).

When I first read this headline, I had to do a double-take and then I asked myself, "maybe you clicked on The Onion instead?" Nope. It's for reelz.

And I had to confirm with a reader that the loan manager did indeed ask her if she would like to use a credit card to pay off her 86k. When the debtor said she didn't have the money, here's some other hysterical things the loan manager said:

-"[You're] refusing to ask [your] family for money." (Oh. My. God. That loan manager has a point. She should totally ask her fam for money. Like, gawd).

My personal favorite:

-"You should marry a rich man."  (Like, duh . . . I think that's dang good advice).

 Hey, honey - rich husbands offer more than just toasters!

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