Kamis, 10 Desember 2009

Here's why retailers and other industries ought to be mad as hell - the student lending industry has cornered their markets

Does this funny political cartoon remind you of your own not-so-funny world, one in which you can't buy things from retailers? Several months ago, I asked people to tell me what they'd spend they're money on if they didn't have to send half their paychecks (or more) to pay for student loan debts that will never go away. Here are a few things people shared:

-"If I didn't have to pay my student loan debt, I would spend money I don't have now visiting my elderly parents more often. So I'd be spending the money with Southwest Airlines. Not even having a job I don't know when I can see them again and they're in their 80s. People don't last forever and you never know when 'never' will come."

- "I'd spend at least $75.00 a month at Race Trac gas station so I could visit out of town friends.  These are items I don't get to purchase on account of owing so much to my lenders."

- "I would shop at Target more often, for curtains and items I am really in need of but simply can no longer afford.  Since the loan will take forever to repay, I will be curtailing spending for the [next] 20 years."

- [It would nice to buy] action figures and baby dolls at Toys R Us." 


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