Sabtu, 19 Desember 2009

Korea, here I come

Many of you know that I am leaving the country and soon. I was offered a great teaching job that I couldn't turn down. Like so many of you, I sent out thousands of resumes and even managed to land some job interviews. One company even flew me up to Boston - I was their no. 1 pick - but then it turned out the old man boss didn't really fancy me and decided to change the entire job description, so I was no longer a candidate. Oh, and did I mention that that was after the following projects:

(1) Two preliminary screenings with their recruiter who found my profile on LinkedIn (it works - sign up). It was the day after my dog died, so I thought, "what the hell? I'll give this opportunity a try."
(2) An hour-long phone interview with the VP (who is a lovely individual and someone with whom I wanted to work)
(3) A trip to Boston in one day (I was up for 16+ hours) to be interviewed by said p--- president, VP, and other members of the company. . .

Oh, but wait, those things weren't good enough. Remember? There are legions of highly qualified candidates, so they had me do another test. This time, I had to do a Webinar for the Prez and his crew. After that stage, the dude decided I wasn't the right choice. I really appreciated that. What a swell flippin' guy.

I also had an amazing job interview for a social media analyst position in the D.C. area. That would've been fabulous, and I am so glad I connected with the person recruiting for it. Swell job, swell position, swell crew of people (clear to me from meeting the main interviewer). But here's the kicker. I made it to the final cut(s) after 80 other people!

In addition, I left my job in publishing to pursue a full-time job for an advocacy group, but . . . uh . . . that kinda fell through too.

Regardless, I will continue to advocate and plan on writing a book about this dilemma. I may be overseas but the work for the cause continues (trust me, it does!).

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