Senin, 18 Januari 2010

Quick Post and Quick Request: Holding Public Servants Accountable

Since I just received a letter from President Obama and also an actual email response from the Department of Education (allow me to publicly thank Ms. Brown for finally acknowledging my countless emails to her address), I want to stay focused on the theme of letter writing. I am fully aware that many of you have been writing non-stop to the President, the Department of Education, and to your representatives. We have discussed this plan of action tirelessly.

I also must thank all of you for your continued activism. If I had been the only one writing letters and raisin' hell, this issue would be dead and buried. So, please take a moment to pat yourself on the back for a job well done. We are witnessing a major new movement. The indentured educated class is working together to raise social awareness about the student lending crisis. You are not writing those letters for your own situation, and you know that the crisis is much bigger than you. I know that's what motivates me to continue the fight. And I can go to bed at night knowing that I am on the right side of this struggle.

But onto the mundane . . .  if you have written to your national and/or state representatives and not heard back from them , please let me know ASAP.

In any event, these public servants (many of them, I am afraid, have entirely forgotten that term and its meaning) ought to respond to a constituent's letter within a month. Let's go easy on them. Make note of the date of your letter, and when 6 weeks have gone by (or if it already has), please let all of us know publicly.

In these responses, please include the following information:

(1) The full name of the politician and the people they represent

(2) Their position (are they a city, state, or national representative?) 
(3) Date you sent your letter about the student lending crisis
(4) Their party affiliation

Oh, and of course, it's important to give credit when credit is due, so if you do hear something back (even if it's a generic form letter), please share that also.

Keep up the good work! Writing matters.

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