Senin, 25 Januari 2010

Part I: A progress report on my work, thank yous, and getting the word out about Senator Sherrod Brown's Debt Swap Proposal

The White House sends me a letter, I finally hear from the Department of Education (no word back as of yet, so I'll touch base again next week), and I am forging more relationships with people who are deeply concerned and interested in the student lending crisis. The biggest break through last week was my phone call with the ED Staffer in Senator Sherrod Brown's office. This conversation was critical, and made me realize that the hours of hard work are beginning to pay off (more on that later in Part II).

After these developments, I decided that it was important to provide all of you with a progress report on my work.

One of my readers recently told me that they respected my leadership abilities for an important reason.
He told me that they knew how hard I was working on this issue, and that meant a lot to him. But, he added, it's more than that. While I know I remain focused on this specific issue and never stray from the theme of student loan debt, I am not always sure what my readers are thinking about my work. This particular reader made me realize how important it is to (a) stay on topic and (b) remain sensitive to the needs of student loan debtors. He said, "you're personal, and that's important."

So on that note, I'd like to quickly thank a few groups and people who are either involved in this issue or supportive of my work as an advocate for student loan debtors (all of them are important and I suggest you familiarize yourself with these players and people). Here's the list:


(a) - I had an outstanding opportunity to be a part of a conference call, and am really looking forward to seeing this organization grow; it is made up of outstanding people who share a common interest in community and helping people pay down their student loan debt. (The founders of SponsorChange, Raymar Hampshire and Dr. Robert Hampshire, are exemplary leaders in the non-profit sector, and they have created a stellar cast of talented individuals for their future work). Also, they just put out a great promo here.

(b) United Professionals - this phenomenal group is a non-profit advocacy group for white-collared professionals (it is FREE to sign up); Barbara Ehrenreich is the Founder and Executive Director, and I am excited about the future of our professional relationship. Ehrenreich recently mentioned me in an outstanding article about college loan debt.

(c) United Progressives - thank you, Paul Barrow, for you interest in my work and featuring a piece I wrote about those who lack the gift of discernment.

(d) The Institute for College Access and Success (otherwise known as TICAS) - I appreciate Edie Irons' gracious willingness to correspond with me. She always provides me with insights into IBR and other policy proposals, and has a genuine interest in receiving feedback from student loan debtors. Her honesty and courteousness are emblematic of this organization's mission (founded by the Deputy Undersecretary of Education, Robert Shireman); it was also an honor and a privilege to have met the current president, Lauren Asher, in the fall, along with other important players from TICAS.

That's the short list of connections I've made. Next up is a discussion about my talk with Brown's office and another list of specific people who are helping this cause.

To be continued . . .

Readers: my apologies for any typographical errors or lack of stylistic finesse (perhaps I've never possessed that skill). I am writing these pieces from an empty house, and am heading overseas.

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