Rabu, 03 Februari 2010

Quick Update: Letter writing campaign to President Obama

Indentured Educated Class! Don't forget this motto. 

Thanks to the many volunteers who have volunteered for the first letter writing campaign to the White House. The deadline for feedback is today, and the final version will be going out to everyone tomorrow.  (This writing campaign is in response to President Obama's State of the Union Address). My goal was to have 100 volunteers, and I think we're just shy of that number. Not bad for the first round of letters . . .

On top of this group letter, many of you have chosen to send your own or an accompanying letter to the White House.

Moreover, a group of us are writing to Ms. Michele Brown at the Department of Education and asking her to update us on what's going on there to help students who have defaulted or drowning in student loan debt (both private and federal). These emails are being cc-ed to Mr. Arne Duncan, Mr. Robert Shireman, and me.

If you want to get involved and are interested in having me provide templates that deal with specific policy issues on the financing of higher education, you know how to find me (ccrynjohannsen@gmail.com).

Thanks for all the hard work - collective action with a polyphony of voices pays off.

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