Sabtu, 31 Oktober 2009

Vigil for Education at the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts

A supporter of the Forgive Student Loan Debt Movement sent me an invitation via Facebook last night. It's a vigil for education at the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts (701 Mission Street, San Francisco, CA).
The vigil, being held at 7:30 PM on November 6th, is described as such:

General Assembly attendees and all others interested in rescuing higher education! Please join the Student Senate for a march, rally, and vigil from the Westin St. Francis hotel to the Yerba Buena Gardens the evening of November 6th.

Students will speak about the need to protect and fund education and we will stand in solidarity in the hopes that we can rescue education. Potential attendees include Mayor & candidate for CA Governor Gavin Newsom, as well as other state and local lawmakers.

This will be the culmination of the first ever Community College Week, hosted this year by the City of San Francisco from 2-6 November at the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts where they will spend the week showcasing the benefits of California's Community Colleges.

If I were in the area, I would certainly attend. It also got me thinking . . . I propose that we have a nationwide candlelight vigil for all students who will soon be drowning in debt (and don't know it yet), those of us struggling to pay back our loans (with no end in sight), and  for those who will obviously be sucked into this disastrous system. Who's up for a holding vigils in their town?


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