Rabu, 09 September 2009

A humble request and the beauty of F's flowers

We are asking supporters to donate $5 for the cause. I realize that so many of you are struggling with paying the bills, putting food on the table, attending to the needs of your children, etc. However, I urge you to donate, so that we can really begin to mobilize this movement and make our collective voices heard in D.C.

If you do donate, please email me and let me know.

We are grateful for your support, for your stories - you move me in ways that are at this moment inexplicable. Your honesty reminds me of how much integrity and grace people possess. When you reach out to me and share your personal stories of pain and loss, fear and hope, I am reminded of why I love being this sort of being and why I have a fierce, everlasting love for humankind.

Thank you for being a part of this historic grassroots movement. In so doing, it has allowed me to become a servant to good, decent, hard-working people - for that I am most grateful; I believe I can neither repay you nor Rob. 

Being a humble servant and belonging to this populist cause has provided me with strength I'd never known before . . . thank you. Thank you. Thank you. 

Let's turn this fledgling flower into a healthy, vibrant, and noticeable rosebush!

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